A value of 0 removes all grass. Setting it to 0 will remove the sun altogether, albeit the day will still be lit. Disable windy grass movement Removes the wind speed on grass to cause them to remain static for a potential performance increase. It is recommended to be set to 0 to preserve full texture fidelity. It can modify all settings used by the game. skyrim skyrimprefs.ini

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This means it can modify all settings in Skyrim. Increase the number of allowed decals These settings ensure that decals are displayed.

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It needs to be set to a high value in order to allow light to function indoors. Bad Adapter Name or Adapter not found.

skyrim skyrimprefs.ini

Setting this to 1 will cause Skyrim to launch in full screen mode. It is recommended to leave at its default value of 3, since all values between 0 and 4 appear to produce the same result. It is recommended to set this to 8. Steam has also been known to update the INIs under certain conditions.

Values below 1 induce CTDs.

Guide:Skyrim Configuration Settings - S.T.E.P. Project Wiki

Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. A guide to editing the Skyrim configuration settings inside the INI files for the tinkering user. Please note that water noise has been disabled in the below comparison images to more easily see the difference. Disable the intro video sIntroSequence sets the intro video before the main menu.

Also, do note that there are plenty of new items you can add to the two files, so if you're trying to improve performance make sure that you go and look up some tweak guides that will give you these extra items to add.

Setting it to 1 will allow Data to be accessed in the Launcher. While the following INI tweaks may not be "recommended," they can be useful in many different ways.

skyrim skyrimprefs.ini

However, the setting merely causes the game to crash upon loading. To center it horizontally on your screen, take your screen resolution's skjrimprefs.ini minus iSize W in Skyrim. Enable or disable vertical sync iPresentInterval toggles vertical sync between frame render and screen refresh rate, removing screen tearing. More accurate aiming with bows and crossbows f1PArrowTiltUpAngle sets the upward tilt angle of arrows in first-person view.

Tue Mar 26, Thanks for the help, much appreciated!!

skyrim skyrimprefs.ini

Carefully check to ensure that there are no:. There is no benefit to using negative values, so just don't do it! Extremely high values can cause some windy snowstorms to become a little too severe. It is recommended to set it to A value of 0 removes all grass. Obsessively high values e. Under the hood, only certain settings flagged and hard-coded into the game executable can be changed in SkyrimPrefs.

The prefix determines what kind of value the setting can accept. Enabling ZPrepass tells the game not to render certain objects to try to increase performance. However, it will probably need to be disabled during actual gameplay unless some bugs get fixed namely, problems when used in windowed and multi-monitor setups, along with causing the cursor to appear near the edges of the screen.

The values given below were the maximum values that a difference was noticeable on vanilla Skyrim. Here is my Systeminformation with ATT: The in-game settings menu may be accessed by pressing the Escape Esc key and clicking Settings.

This increases the precision of lighting. Grass mods such as Grass on Steroids and Verdant take advantage of this and can create high density grass at high iMinGrassSize values.


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